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The most dangerous parasites living in the human liver

  • 10 min read

The 5 kinds of worms that live in the human liver is what we are going to talk about today. I don’t think we need to talk about the liver itself, just accept the fact that parasites live there.

It is worth taking into consideration the importance of the functions that the liver performs. I recommend that you take this information seriously. Then, maybe you won’t have to spend your last money on useless medicines of pharmaceutical industry.

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To begin, I will list all kinds of liver parasites. Then we’ll break them down in more detail so we know the signs and symptoms. And so, the liver is home to:

  • Giardia,
  • Echinococcus,
  • opisthorchiasis,
  • schistosomes,
  • ascarias.

These are the most common worms, not counting fungi, about which some other time.

Liver Giardia

Let’s go in order: Giardia. The disease when infected with giardia is called giardiasis. As a rule, these bacteria love to live in the intestines, but also the liver do not bend.

They are not visible to the naked eye. They divide like cells, in two, but are shaped like a cockroach. Nasty critters. Infestation comes from the following sources:
  • Through the water of reservoirs and ponds
  • From the ground in garden plots
  • From cats, dogs, flies
  • Dirty hands.

It looks like this in the photo:

печеночные лямблии

As a result of the activity of giardia, the liver surface is affected, which causes disruption of its activity. Not a very scary parasite, unlike echinococcus.

Echinococcus in the liver

These critters are more dangerous and cause diseases more terrifying than simple giardiasis. Echinococcus is such a bubbly sphere, with fluid inside, where the head and neck of the parasite form.

Echinococcus belongs to the tapeworm parasites, although it is not as impressive in size as swine or bovine chain. The disease is called echinococcosis of the liver.

A person gets infected with echinococcus through dirty fruits and vegetables, or through contact with pets. Echinococcosis of the liver occurs in 2 forms: vesicular and alveolar.

What is worth noting to understand? Man is an intermediate host and the worm itself does not develop in him. The full life cycle of echinococcus begins in animals: dogs, cats, foxes, wolves, etc.

There it develops into a sexually mature specimen. What is so dangerous about echinococcus? Here is a photo by the way:

эхинококк в печени

As mentioned, echinococcosis of the liver occurs in 2 forms. With the vesicular form it is clear, a fluid bubble sits in the liver and develops into a head with a neck. But the alveolar form is the formation of a cyst of such bubbles.

When it grows in size, it exerts pressure on other organs located near the liver. In addition to the mechanical effect, there is a toxic effect. Products of the cyst enter the liver, which are poisons for the liver.

If the cyst is not detected and removed in time, it can be fatal. This is what makes echinococcus dangerous.

Opisthorchiasis in the liver

The disease is called opisthorchiasis. The main source of infection is river fish. I will not describe the entire cycle of opistorchosis development through intermediate hosts.

It is important to understand that the final infection of a person occurs through eating fish. Here is what the parasite looks like, photo:


Opistorchosis is a liver parasite, but it can also live in the pancreas. As a result of opistorchosis life, the liver enlarges and thickens. The result is:

  • purulent cholecystitis,
  • biliary peritonitis,
  • development of cirrhosis of the liver.

I have not yet intentionally written about the symptoms and signs of the presence of this or that parasite in the liver, I will leave you for an appetizer.

Liver schistosomes

Schistosomes are flatworms, blood suckers. Infestation occurs in the same way as in the case of giardia. In the first case the infection is through water. In the second, by contact with a sick person.

Contact with the skin is sufficient to enter the body. And then through the mucous membrane or even through uninjured areas of the skin. Schistosomes are implanted and further spread throughout the body.

This is what the schistosome parasite looks like:

шистосомы в печени

It is worth noting the following, schistosomes are not hermaphrodites, but different-sex parasites.

Therefore, there is no danger if only females or males get into the body, which is very rare. What are the dangers of schistosomes and what liver diseases do they cause? Schistosome infestation is called schistosomiasis.

Schistosomiasis results in the following diseases:

  • liver and spleen damage,
  • liver failure,
  • external and internal bleeding,
  • cardiovascular failure,
  • and then death.

That’s it.

Ascarids in the liver

And finally, the ascarids. The main home of ascarids is the intestines, but they also penetrate the liver and live there, just as well as they do in the intestines. This is an interesting parasite to study.

You can get infected with ascarids as in most cases it is not washed fruits and vegetables, not washed hands. This is what they look like in the picture:

аскариды в печени

The life span of ascarids in the human body is relatively short. Only 9-11 months, after which they die. However, due to their reactive reproduction period, they become so numerous in the body that after death their dead bodies form various blockages.

In the blood, in the bile ducts, in the lungs, affect almost all the connecting pathways between organs. Here are some of the consequences of ascarids:

  • intestinal obstruction,
  • damage to the liver and pancreas,
  • blockages in the ducts,
  • appendicitis.

What do you think? I probably creeped you out, but apparently not that much, now I’ll tell you about the symptoms.

Symptoms and signs of parasites in the liver

Lambliasis is differentiated into 2 kinds: acute and chronic. Acute is diagnosed mainly in children and adults with weak immunity:

  • elevated body temperature
  • constant diarrhea
  • vomiting
  • rapid weight loss.

Chronic giardiasis has the following symptoms:

  • intestinal disorders, expressed in alternating constipation and diarrhea
  • Digestive disorders: belching, heartburn, flatulence, etc.
    pale skin
  • Constant dryness and bitterness in the mouth
    mood swings
  • loss of appetite

Echinococcosis of the liver for a very long time does not give any symptoms and a person may not know about the parasitic infestation, even for decades. However, when the cyst grows to large lesions, the following is observed:

  • Dull and constantly nagging pain in the right side, under the ribs
  • An allergic reaction in the form of diarrhea and urticaria
  • Diagnosis of jaundice

признаки паразитов в печени

In fact, the topic is very serious and you can carry the parasite for years, but the risks of becoming infected are reduced if you are aware of who the main carrier and vector is.

Let me be blunt, kick pets out into the street, they do not belong together with humans in the dwelling.

How does opisthorchiasis manifest itself? Let’s look at the symptoms of the acute form:

  • rise in body temperature to 39-40 C
  • Muscle and joint pains
  • cough
  • skin rash
  • gastrointestinal disturbances
  • bloating of the face
  • liver enlargement

Symptoms of opisthorchiasis in the liver, mild form:

  • Seizure-like pain in the liver area
  • Gallbladder enlargement

Symptoms and signs for schistosomes begin 2 weeks after infection:

  • fever
  • Swelling of the skin, rash
  • Diarrhea with mucus and blood
  • vomiting and nausea
  • Abdominal pain
  • loss of appetite

And finally the signs of ascarids in the body:

  • dry cough, sometimes with blood
  • Rash on the skin, in the form of hives
  • Conjunctivitis
  • Increased fatigue
  • Appetite changes and fluctuates sharply for better and for worse
  • alternating diarrhea and constipation

I hope that now, you realize the seriousness of human parasite infestation?

Treatment of parasites in the liver

лечение паразитов в печени

If you have read my previous articles, you know about my distrust of traditional medical methods of treatment and their remedies. The only exception is when a patient has a long stage of echinococcosis.

In this case unconventional medicine will be powerless and cleansing is useless. In other cases, when the infection is detected on the early stages, I recommend cleansing the body of parasites.

In the article “What to start a body cleanse at home” I have everything clearly and specifically painted, you will learn how to get rid of parasites. I will definitely restore it.


I will not describe much in this subsection, and it is not necessary. I recommend that you again carefully read about the ways of human infection. The conclusions are ambiguous: pet lovers and meat lovers are often infected with parasites.

As I wrote above, you want to have a strong immune system and a healthy body, then you are not going with pets. Just take my word for it that justifying your pets with vaccinations and vaccinations is not going to solve the problems.

The only and only sensible solution is to separate your path from that of pets. I had an article on my old blog that dealt with the impact of humans living with pets. I’ll restore it shortly, there’s a lot of interesting stuff in there.

However, it’s not just parasites that affect the liver. Alcohol, tobacco smoking and other factors put a strain on it, causing it to use up its protective resource. To help the liver regain its natural immunity, Honey Save can help.

медовый спас

Here is a summary of the 5 types of worms that live in the human liver. I hope you learned a lot from it and that it was useful to you. Don’t forget to sign up for blog updates in the form on the side.

P.S. The most dangerous of all the worms described is echinococcosis. Here is a video about this parasite, it is better not for the faint-hearted to watch:

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